2.求《荒野生存(Into the wild)》 英文影评或书评
3.Into The Wild (Live) 歌词
4.16 Horsepower的《poor mouth》 歌词
5.**<荒野生存(into the wild)>中的主人公原型是真事吗?
6.Into The Wild 歌词
在北京时我曾经也有过这样的经历,那个时候每个月都要去爬山,和朋友或者驴友走那些熟悉得不能再熟悉的徒步路线,偶尔我也会独自去走,有一个冬天不知怎么的决定自己走别人没有走过的路线,就好像**中Alex决定去恶劣的阿拉斯加山野独自生活几个月,用了两年的准备期后所有他觉得具备的条件都具备后义无反顾去了荒野。所有这一切他给自己的理由就是“Just want to let you know you are great man" 。在穿过荒废已久的树林小路时天渐黑,下山的路估计最快还要两个小时,那个时候无助感几乎覆盖整个大脑,是留下来在树林中生个篝火度过黑夜还是继续往前?虽然带有打火机和压缩饼干,但没有御寒衣物独自度过寒冷的黑夜是很危险的。无论怎样都要走出去。很快走到了一个岔路,一条是陡坡可以很快下山,一条是延伸的平路。天渐黑如果走陡坡下山还能在天黑前出山,我知道在黑夜里走山路即使你有照明灯也是很危险的,于是决定从陡坡下山。下山的陡坡是石头路,几乎没有多少树木遮挡,但因为平时爬山中我非常清楚自己可以很好控制下山的身体平衡,这也是我决定走陡坡没有多想的原因。这个决定非常明智,一刻钟不到就很快下了山,虽然下山路途中遇到过比较险要的情况,很都很冷静的解决通过。
影片讲述了主人公Alex(他称自己作Alexander Supertramp)为了寻找自我、寻找“生命的智慧”而在大学毕业后,毅然抛弃一切,独自向西(treling without goals),并且记下旅行所见以及在阿拉斯加生活的故事。
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods.
There is a rapture on the lonely shore.
There is society,where none intrudes.
By the deep sea,and music in its roar.
I love not man less,but Nature more.
——Lord Byron
--"You're wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from human relationships.God's placed it all around us.It's in everything.It's anything we can experience.People just need to change the way they look at those things."
--"There's some kind of bigger thing we can all reciate,and it sounds like you don't mind calling it God.But when you forgive,you love. And when you love,God's light shines on you."
当然,令人回味的场景还有许多,比如Alex在想要射杀母鹿时眼神中流露出的犹豫,将最后一枚硬币送给老人,在峡谷中M和S对他发出邀请时的温暖,还有死亡前说的那句话“What if I were smiling and running into your arms. Would you see then,what I see now.”(也许Alex对于不告而行有一些愧疚,可同样也从wild中得到心灵的解脱。至今仍然不是很明白这句话)
最终,因为河汛的来临,Alex被困在荒野中,虚弱而死。(看到最后一段处,感觉十分心酸。多么希望他能获救,回到社会中,然后谅解了父母,成为Ron的外孙,与Tracy相恋。这样的结局该是多么美好,可这种想法连自己都感觉太过天真可笑。)对于他的做法,褒贬不一,比如说不管自己的父母怎样伤心不告而别,没有一定的规划,不留后路,因而认为他自私,没有理智。但是,"If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason,the possibility of life is destroyed."
"I he had a hy life and thank the lord. Good bye and may god bless all!"
之于观影者的我们,我想更多地应该是思考。关于幸福?关于自由?自己该以怎样的态度来面对自己的生活?This is our life。我想,这才是西恩潘苦等十年来拍此片的本意吧。
1. You think you he to want more than you need.Until you he it all you won't be freed.When you want more than you he you think you need,your thoughts begin to bleed.
2. If you want something in life,reach out and grab it.
3. You're wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from human relationships.God's placed it all around us.It's in everything.It's anything we can experience.People just need to change the way they look at those things.
4. There's some kind of bigger thing we can all reciate,and it sounds like you don't mind calling it God.But when you forgive,you love.And when you love,God's light shines on you.
5. Hiness only real when shared.
哪里有<into the wild>这本书中文版的下载?或者水度过可以给我讲一下?
The hedgehog girl Amy.
When Amy rushed into the house, her mother is in the kitchen.
"How was school?"
Wife ask Amy, hope Amy answered "as usual
"Great" cried Amy.
"One woman told the class about wild animals, and showed us
A hedgehog. I want to become a hedgehog expert"
"A what?"
Wife asked.
"A hedgehog experts, a man know everything about the hedgehog"
"That's good."
Wife says,
"You should go to the library to see can find relevant books"
"Oh, no," Amy's complained:
"Then I he to go see
Mr Is the children's librarian. He is a mean and despicable people. He often live
In Amy's room next door.
When Amy arrived at the library, the library almost no one. Amy's along the shelf look, try to find it
A book on hedgehogs.
"What are you doing?" A harsh voice from behind Amy.
Amy's almost jump out of her own socks scare (describe)
"I'm looking for a book about animals"
"Animals, really? Dou and irony ()
"What kind is it
Animals? Domesticated animals? Wild animals? From which animal? Africa? India? The UK? "
"It's a hedgehog"
, Amy said.
Mr Shouted,
"The worst animals,
They dug up the vegetables,
And bit off a large piece of"
Mr Took out a book from the bookshelf and say:
"If you must study the horrible things
Words, this is the best I can do for you"
"Thank you!
"Answered Amy's polite.
"Remember to return the book on time. Don't you afraid of hedgehogs into your garden? Don't forget, your garden
Step to my garden. If I see a hedgehog is close to my carrots, how did you know I will
Yao do? "
"I don't know"
, Amy said.
"I will use my spray gun!
Back home, Amy. Read the book about the hedgehog. She found a hedgehog will eat slugs and snails, but
The book did not mention to eat vegetables.
The next day she return the book to the library.
"What is this?"
Mr Q,
"And this book
Genius is due!
"But I've already finished reading!
"Said Amy.
"There are more books about the hedgehog?"
"Over there!
Mr Harsh voice answered, and nose pointing (not understand)
Amy walked slowly along the shelf. Where are the books about animals? When asked Amy. Just want to risk again
When she saw something. It is a very old cassette, called "wild
The call of"
. Looked at as if no one has ever played.
Ai honey down the tape from the bookshelf. This is part of a series about animal noise. this
Is the first
A magnetic tape, and is called "the hedgehog"
Asked Amy.
Can I borrow the tape.
"Of course"
Mr Said rudely.
"Although the want to listen to the voice of people hate animals
Hall of fame: all the celebrities take you feel their drive life ma ren li liu shi yuzhu is a madman.
Mr To do for the tape box on the tag, said:
"Don't forget to finish listen to the tape again pour it will
The initial.
The hedgehog's conversation
Amy. I sat in my room, with her own stereo headphones over and over again listened to the sound of the hedgehog
The sound. Amy's repeating myself a hedgehog.
"I was talking to a hedgehog,
"Amy's thinking.
"I'd like to know what they were saying"
. I really need to
A hedgehog to help me. I'm pretty sure there is a in the garden. If I uttered a hedgehog, it
They could hear.
Ai honey ran into the garden and earth hedgehog sound as much as possible.
He paused and then went to listen to, but not a hedgehog response. Amy. Try again. But only one
The cat went to the garden.
"I will continue to try,
"Said Amy.
"I'm sure I can do it"
. Finally, Amy's caught a cold,
Then went back to the house.
The next evening Amy. Try it again. So she insisted on for a week.
"What do you do in the outside?"
Wife asked his daughter.
"Wait and see"
, Amy said.
Just then, the doorbell rang. To the
Mr. He is wearing pajamas stood at the door. Amy's attention
Mr Hair wet.
, Mrs.
The Sir Say:
"Every night when I take a shower, I will hear
A noise. It seems from your garden.
Amy smiled luo luo luo whilst placing a hand over your mouth.
"" of a kind of animal
The Sir Say:
"If I were you, will sprinkle pesticide. This is for
The only way to pay for animals.
A walk, Amy has rushed into the garden.
Mr Think I am an animal"
Honey to himself:
"I want to try one more time!
Amy knelt down the knee and then start a hedgehog.
Almost in an instant, there was a rustling sound, then a hedgehog slowly crawled on the grass
On the plateau. Amy was very hy, and the hedgehog hem make each.
Suddenly, a beam of torch light to their eyes.
"What hened?" A voice said. Turned out to be
Sir, still wearing his pajamas.
The hedgehog immediately into a ball.
"I'm talking to a hedgehog" said Amy.
"You're cheeky shameless little thing! In talking to a hedgehog,"
"What's the matter
-- -- --
"Said Amy.Before Amy say that finish,
He interrupted:
"Also, the hedgehog is very dirty little monsters, he eat
All of the vegetables in the garden!
"Amy's anger seems to say:
"Hedgehog don't dirty, they also do not eat vegetables. They only eat snails and
Slugs. Now, if you don't mind, I want to talk to a hedgehog!
Mr Answer shocked to hear that. When Amy. Gently at a hedgehog hum,
Big mouth open, then slowly opened.
(not understand)
From a sly expression
Mr Across her face.
"My dear, how long he you been doing this"
Amy said:
"But from now on, I will be here every day"
"You will be here every night, this is what you said.
" 后面还有 要不要? 不要给分 谢谢
求《荒野生存(Into the wild)》 英文影评或书评
The story is about a young boy Christopher. He died in the mountain due to starvation. He went into the wild of Alaska with very simple equipment. The author wants to probe into his thinking and follow the trail of his venturesome track.
When I first time heard the story, I was attracted to its mystery and I was curious of his motive. What did he look for? Or what did he get away from? I left my country on September in 19. Some friends suggested me considering again because it is so pity to give up a good job. I did know that I want to go out then. Does he he the same thinking—don’t satisfy with current situation even though it is not bad compared with social standard.
“What I love most about rivers is: you can’t step in the same river twice. The water’s always changing, always flowing. But people, I guess, can’t live like that.
We all must pay a price. To be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowing” Pocahontas sang. I got many encouragements from the song. After I decided to go abroad, I found, as a matter of fact, it is easy to lee.
Christopher is crazier than me. He doesn’t reply on civilization. He can live in the wild for several months by himself. He is friendly but he is alone. His story proves one of my philosophies—everyone needs his own space even if he is yearning for people. No one can wholly understand the other.
There are three inspirations I got from this book. Firstly, GO when you want to lee. Don’t give up your dreams only because you are afraid something you don''t know. The future is not dangerous than you image. Secondly, you shouldn’t insist on others understanding you. You don’t he to feel disointed with misunderstanding from your best friends or family. They love you but they might not know you.
The last one is that mistakes are allowed. We are afraid to make a mistake so we learn others’ experience and knowledge when we were at school age. Books can help us to know what they he known but no one can teach us what they don’t know. We must he creative and take a risk in our life. We will take a lesson when we experience. If we are afraid of doing wrong, we may miss many opportunities in our life.
一九六八年出生在美国一个富裕的中产家庭,一九九零年 Chris从Emory University毕业后不久,放弃了所有的财产,把自己在银行里的存款全部捐给慈善机构,然后把钱包里的现金烧掉,与家人断绝联系,Chris自己取了个新名字“Alexander Supertramp”(意为“超级流浪汉”)彻底投入自然怀抱,“Alex”既是一个孤独的流浪者,同时又有良好的人际交流。一路上,他遇到形形的人物,有在逃的罪犯、也有流浪的恋人、有孤独的老人,也有爱慕他的美丽少女,从他们的经历里感受人生,完成了自己从青少年到成人的过渡。“Alex”路遇退伍老人,给老人写下“这么多人活得不快乐,却不主动改变这种情况,因为他们受到安全、服从、保守主义的生活制约,......其实安全的未来最伤害人心中冒险的灵魂。人的灵魂中,最基本的核心是他对冒险的热忱”。
浪迹美国两年后,“Alex”一路搭车终于到达阿拉斯加,他遇到了一个好心的卡车司机。卡车司机久闯阿拉斯加,见他这样的装备便知不妙,便邀请他到镇上去,去买好装备,司机甚至愿意出钱。可“Alex”不肯。司机把自己的靴子送给了他。“Alex”带着一些书、一台底片相机、一把22 caliber rifle(来复枪)、几盒和10磅大米进入了阿拉斯加州的荒野。住进了河边的一辆废弃公车,他在那里从一九九二年四月末住到同年八月末。他有可能不当心食用了一种野生土豆的,体内积聚过量的生物碱,造成营养不良虚弱而亡。他在生命尽头终于领悟:“Hiness only true when shared.”(“只有分享才真正快乐。”)最后他钻进母亲为他缝制的睡袋中,死去。那年他二十四岁。 遗体在一九九二年九月六日被发现,遗体旁散落着梭罗、托尔斯泰和杰克·伦敦的书,其中一页的空白处写着简短的遗言:“I he had a hy life and thank the Lord. Goodbye and may God bless all!”
Into The Wild (Live) 歌词
This was truly a great movie. It chronicles the life of Chris Mccandless based on the book with the same name.
As you watch the movie it's as if you follow Chris in his quest to understand the beauty of the world without being part of the world we know. As it goes on parts of his journal that he kept on his trels are read out and analyzed and attached to the meaning of his quest. It's a beautiful perspective on why we live and how to find true untainted hiness simply by being a part of nature and real life, as opposed to the social conditioning we he become used to.
There are parts that will make you think hard about your own life and how you can make yourself hy. In the end however, Chris is on the verge of starving, and he realizes that "hiness is only real when shared". This part nearly brought me to tears. It is an intense moment of self reflection and understanding of one's place in the world. It is in a way a reversal of the initial goal of Chris which is to find hiness away from society, and explains the fact that hiness is in fact created by society.
Sean Penn is a great director. This movie had some of the most beautiful cinematography and landscape scenes I've ever seen. At some points you may be awed by the simple beauty of the earth without even hing to understand that this was what Chris wanted.
The acting is magnificent. Emile Hirsch is great, especially towards the end when Chris begins to be paranoid and disillusioned by his hunger. You can feel his joy throughout the movie and understand why he set out on the quest, as well as feel his remorse and pain when he comes to the realization that what he searched for may he been closer than he thought and not in the hills of Alaska or other locations.
Overall, this is a great movie. It is pretty long so you may need to watch it in parts as I did. If you're looking to be inspired and get an additional perspective on the world as well as see some beautiful shots of landscapes, it is definitely worth it.
16 Horsepower的《poor mouth》 歌词
歌曲名:Into The Wild (Live)
专辑:Into The Wild - Live At EastWest Studios
Aura Dione - Into The Wild
I hen''t seen you lately, don''t know what life has made of you
I''m always gonna be your friend, what is that to you?
I''ve become a stranger, but I want to let you in
So much has changed, I don''t know where to begin
I see right through you, from beginning to the end
I see right through you, that''s what made us friends
You will always be my first love,
You''re with me in heart, space and time
You''re someone I still think the world of
But we got lost, we got lost into the wild
And I got lost, I got lost into the wild
I never felt that I was cool enough to be your friend
I guess that''s kinda funny, don''t know how the story ends
I''ve never been a pleaser, I''ve never been a fan
But I never felt any better, than when you took my hand
I see right through you, from beginning to the end
I see right through you, that''s what made us friends
You will always be my first love,
You''re with me in heart, space and time
You''re someone I still think the world of
But we got lost, we got lost into the wild
And I got lost, I got lost into the wild
We live, we live, we live, we live, we live, we live
We live, we live, we live, we live, we live, we live
So fast, so fast
And we got lost, in the past
You will always be my first love,
You''re with me in heart, space and time
You''re someone I still think the world of
But we got lost, we got lost into the wild
And I got lost, I got lost into the wild
We live, we live, we live, we live, we live, we live
We live, we live, we live, we live, we live, we live
So fast, so fast
And we got lost, in the past
So fast, so fast
And we got lost, in the past.
**<荒野生存(into the wild)>中的主人公原型是真事吗?
歌曲名:poor mouth
歌手:16 Horsepower
专辑:secret south
is anything as lovely to me
as the truth in love
i'll take it over freedom any day
it brings me ever an' this time to my knees
an' on my knees i run away
yes i know your sticks and stones they
they will easily break these bones an'
an' all my words come back to haunt me
i will put my strength into
the things left standing
i am hoarse with wild eyes
no des outstanding
my hands are yours my brother
you can take my coat as well
my eyes are yours sister
and my heart, and my heart
in which he dwells
heard the voice of my master callin' me
from deep in the hollow
said that I must follow him there yeah
is any place darker for me
with all them wolves about
well it's a poor mouth that I wear
my hands are yours my brother
you can take my coat as well
my eyes are yours sister
and my heart, and my heart
in which he dwells
livin' from hand to poor mouth
you an' me an' my secret south
Into The Wild 歌词
而乔恩·克拉考尔的《into the wild》是根据Christopher Johnson McCandless的真实事情写成的,Christopher Johnson McCandless是个出身于美国东岸富裕家庭的年轻男子,他在1990年大学毕业后,即与家人失联。 向往回归自然的原始生活,克里斯多福改名换姓,烧掉现金,放弃车子和大部分财产,从此在北美大 陆漂泊。
歌曲名:Into The Wild
专辑:Into The Wild
Aura Dione - Into The Wild
I hen''t seen you lately, don''t know what life has made of you
I''m always gonna be your friend, what is that to you?
I''ve become a stranger, but I want to let you in
So much has changed, I don''t know where to begin
I see right through you, from beginning to the end
I see right through you, that''s what made us friends
You will always be my first love,
You''re with me in heart, space and time
You''re someone I still think the world of
But we got lost, we got lost into the wild
And I got lost, I got lost into the wild
I never felt that I was cool enough to be your friend
I guess that''s kinda funny, don''t know how the story ends
I''ve never been a pleaser, I''ve never been a fan
But I never felt any better, than when you took my hand
I see right through you, from beginning to the end
I see right through you, that''s what made us friends
You will always be my first love,
You''re with me in heart, space and time
You''re someone I still think the world of
But we got lost, we got lost into the wild
And I got lost, I got lost into the wild
We live, we live, we live, we live, we live, we live
We live, we live, we live, we live, we live, we live
So fast, so fast
And we got lost, in the past
You will always be my first love,
You''re with me in heart, space and time
You''re someone I still think the world of
But we got lost, we got lost into the wild
And I got lost, I got lost into the wild
We live, we live, we live, we live, we live, we live
We live, we live, we live, we live, we live, we live
So fast, so fast
And we got lost, in the past
So fast, so fast
And we got lost, in the past.